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About Us

Everything we do at is designed with your needs in mind. We help remove the uncertainties that can prevent us pursuing our ambitions and dreams.

We understand that you want to find the best possible property, at the best possible price, with the best return and minimal risk. You want to enjoy the experience of buying a property in Spain or Portugal and know that the whole process will go smoothly. We know you want expert advice on property investment and we will provide you with the very best.

We know that you don't want to be 'sold' a golfing property so we won’t. We understand that what you actually want is to make up your own mind and in your own time, so we just provide you with the necessary help and guidance and the opportunity to 'try out' the type of property, the lifestyle and the great golf you are considering.

The satisfaction and well being of our clients is our main concern and priority. The team at has extensive experience in golfing property in Spain and Portugal. From the Costa Azahar to the Algarve, we have a wide selection of the highest quality golfing developments, resorts and re-sale properties to choose from. Our open and friendly approach combined with our ‘Try Before You Buy’ visits ensure our clients’ peace of mind in finding their ideal overseas property.

Our vision is to be a household name marked by quality and integrity.